Regular Meeting February 24
Feb 24th - Philatelic Tidbits - Short Stories about Interesting Postage Stamps
The Columbus Philatelic Club's upcoming events calendar.
Feb 24th - Philatelic Tidbits - Short Stories about Interesting Postage Stamps
Feb 10th - Artwork of cachet maker T. Michael Weddle - Jeff Jacobs and Dottie Liechliter. According to Dottie, Michael is planning on being at the meeting too.
Jan 13th - Graham Beck - Operation Cornflakes -
Ken Gilbert will present on Estonia and Mare Balticum 2024
The History Guy Zip Codes: A History - Video
There will also be a discussion of the future of Colopex.
Walt Bauer will be presenting on Total Solar Eclipses
We will also discuss preparations for Colopex
Lincoln and Lincoln stamps with John Cooper presenting in character as Abraham Lincoln. The presentation will feature Lincoln stamps, but may include a few Lincoln anecdotes as well. Members are invited to bring guests to meet Abraham Lincoln that night.
Jake Jacob’s “Air Force 50th Anniversary Cancels”
Doubletree Hilton Worthington
175 Hutchinson Ave, Columbus, OH 43235
Friday, Dec 8, 2023 10 am to 6 pm
Saturday, Dec 9, 2023 10 am to 5 pm
We will have both a bourse and and a “Free F’rall”
Doubletree Hilton Worthington
175 Hutchinson Ave, Columbus, OH 43235
Friday, Dec 8, 2023 10 am to 6 pm
Saturday, Dec 9, 2023 10 am to 5 pm
We will have both a bourse and and a “Free F’rall”
Graham Beck: The Apollo 15 Scandal (You Tube version)
This is a SPECIAL MEETING that meets at 6:30 pm.
Host Mike Frush. We meet at Harrison House and leave at 6:30 pm to walk to 72 S. Gift St. Tour of First Post Office in Franklinton at 72 S. Gift St.
The picnic will occur at the home of Jason Manchester, 1047 OBERLIN DR. 614 457-1150 Please bring a covered dish and a jovial disposition. The club will provide tableware, meat, buns, and soft drinks. The activities will start at around 12.30pm with food at around 2 pm. The Chapter 20 of The Germany Philatelic Society also will celebrate OKTOBERFEST with us. Again, we will have burgers prepared by master griller, Gary Eschelbach.
Program: The Stamp Forger That Fooled the Experts: Jean de Sperati (youtube)