Revised: 12 Jul 2021


Section 1. This organization is to be known as the Columbus Philatelic Club, Incorporated, of Columbus, Ohio. Its purpose is to foster, develop and otherwise enhance the hobby of stamp collecting for the benefit of its members.

Section 2. The Columbus Philatelic Club, Incorporated develops and promotes its annual stamp show, referred to as COLOPEX. COLOPEX is an American Philatelic Society World Series of Philately event. In the event the annual COLOPEX is not held for any reason, the Club will attempt to hold a show of local flavor and interest.


Section 1. Membership in this club is open to all persons interested in philately who have satisfactory references, subject to the rules and regulations provided herein.

Section 2. Any Active Member of the Club may propose that an individual become a member. The Secretary, upon receiving an application for membership, reads before a Club meeting the name of the applicant, as well as the name of the proposer. At the next meeting the members will vote on the application, with a majority vote of those present prevailing. The classes of membership are as follows.

(a) Active Member. Open to any individual of legal age residing in the State of Ohio.

(b) Active Member and Spouse. Open to spouses of legal age residing in the State of Ohio.

(c) Associate Non-Resident Member. Open to any individual of legal age who does not reside in the State of Ohio.

(d) Associate Non-Resident Member and Spouse. Open to spouses of legal age who do not reside in the State of Ohio.

(e) Junior Member. Open to residents of the State of Ohio who are more than 14 years of age but who have not yet reached 18.

(f) Life Member (Active Member). Open to any Active Member who pays the appropriate fee.

(g) Life Member and Spouse. Open to any active Member and Spouse upon paying the appropriate fee.

(h) Honorary Member. An individual may be nominated to become an Honorary Member by any member, subject to the approval of the Board of Directors by a favorable vote of three-fourths or more of the members. An Honorary Member may or may not be considered an Active member as determined by a majority vote of the Board.

Section 3. Club members may change from one class of membership to another by making a request in writing to the Secretary.

At the next meeting the Club members will vote whether to approve the request.

Section 4. The following dues are payable by January 1 of each year.

(a) Active Member ..................................................................................................................................................... $10.00

(b) Active Member and Spouse .....................................................................................................................……….$15.00

(c) Associate Non-Resident Member .........................................................................................................…………$10.00

(d) Associate Non-Resident Member and Spouse…………………………………………………………………..$15.00

(e) Junior Member .........................................................................................................................................………$1.00

(f) Life Member (Active Member) ............................................................................................................................$150.00

(g) Life Member and Spouse ................................................................................................................................….$225.00

(h) Honorary Member .....................................................................................................................................………no dues

Section 5. Dues, as stated in Section 4, may be increased by the Board of Directors.

Section 6. Members not having paid dues by March 1 will be considered delinquent and so notified by the Treasurer.


Section 1. Officers. The Officers of the Club include President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Newsletter Editor. The term for each Officer is one year.

Section 2. Directors. The Board of Directors consists of ten members: the five Officers listen in Article III, Section 1, the Past President, and four additional elected Directors. Each of the four additional Directors serves a two-year term. Two Directors are to be elected each year. A Director is eligible to be elected to serve successive terms.

Section 3. Board of Directors. The Board of Directors should meet once a month if possible. A majority of the Board of Directors constitutes a quorum.

Section 4. Duties. The duties of the Officers and Board of Directors are described in the Club Bylaws.

Section 5. Standing Committees. The Standing Committees and their members’ duties are described in the Club Bylaws.


Section 1. The Nominating Committee consists of the Incumbent President and the two elected Directors having one year remaining in their term. The Nominating Committee makes its report at the November meeting, at which time further nominations from the floor will be considered.

Section 2. Elections are by secret ballot at the December meeting. At least one week prior to the election meeting the Nominating Committee mails ballots to each Active Member who is in good standing. Ballots may be returned in sealed envelopes to the Secretary by mail or presented in person at the election meeting. The ballots will be counted by the two Directors serving on the Nominating Committee. Nominees receiving the greatest number of votes are elected. In the case of ties, a runoff vote will determine who is elected.

Section 3. The installation of the newly elected Officers and Directors takes place at the January meeting.


Section 1. Regular meetings of the Club will be held on the second and fourth Mondays of each month from February through October and once per month on the second Monday in November, December, and January. The formal meeting begins at 7:00 PM and concludes at approximately 8:30 PM. The Board of Directors may change the meeting time when there is a conflict in scheduling.

Section 2 The Board of Directors is responsible for informing Club members of any changes in the Club meeting schedule. Meetings are automatically cancelled if Franklin County declares a Level 2 or 3 weather emergency.


Section 1. All rights and privileges are extended to all classes of membership except Associate and Junior members, who do not have voting rights and cannot hold office.

Section 2. An Honorary Member who has never been an Active Member of the Club does not have the right to vote or to hold office.


Section 1. Vacancies among the Officers or Board of Directors are to be filled by a Special Election of the Board of Directors. The result of a Special Election is to be reported to the Club members through an announcement in the Club newsletter.


Section 1. The resignation of any member is to be presented in writing to the Secretary.

Section 2. Delinquent members may be dropped from the active roll at any time by the Board of Directors. These members are not entitled to receive mailings of club materials until their status is reinstated.

Section 3. Any member can have his or her rights and privileges suspended by the President for conduct unbecoming a member. The Board of Directors will consider the expulsion of the member at its next regular meeting. A suspended or expelled member has the right to be heard by the Board.


Section 1. In the event of the dissolution of the Club, all property belonging to the Club will be sold and the proceeds and any additional funds shall be apportioned equally to each Active Member in good standing.

Section 2. The control over Club property is the responsibility of the Board of Directors.

Section 3. Insurance is to be secured by the Board of Directors to cover the replacement cost of all tangible Club property.


Section 1. The responsibility to protect Club property lies with the Board of Directors of the Club. At no time will the Club members be held liable for any loss, damage, or theft of Club property.


Section 1. Business meetings of the Club are to be conducted under Robert’s Rules of Order.


Section 1. The Order of Business is described in the Bylaws of the Club.


Section 1. Amendments and changes to this Constitution may be authorized by a two-thirds or greater vote of the members present at a meeting. The full text of such amendments or changes must be mailed to each member with voting rights at least two regular meetings prior to this vote.

Section 2. Bylaws to supplement the Constitution may be proposed by a two-thirds or greater vote of the Board of Directors present at a regular Board meeting and further approved by a majority vote of Active Members at a meeting. A tie vote of the Active Members is deemed as disapproval of the proposal.



Section 1. The President presides at all meetings of the Club and the Board of Directors.

Section 2. The Vice President acts for the President in case of absence.

Section 3. In the event of the absence of both the President and Vice President a temporary Chair shall be selected from among those present to preside over the meeting.

Section 4. The Secretary keeps minutes of the proceedings of the Club meetings and meetings of the Board of Directors.

Section 5. The Treasurer receives all funds paid to the Club, provides receipts to payers upon request, and deposits the funds in a depository chosen by the Board of Directors. The Treasurer pays out funds only upon order by the Club or the Board of Directors.

Section 6. The Editor publishes, edits, and distributes the Club newsletter, and assists with other mailings as authorized by the Board of Directors.

Section 7. The Board of Directors is the administrative and executive body of the Club. It approves the payments of all bills incurred by the Club. It receives and acts upon the reports of all standing committees. It authority to act for and in behalf of the Club.


Section 1. The President appoints the Chairs of all standing committees of the Club.

Section 2. Program Committee. This committee provides a program for each regular meeting of the Club.

Section 3. Publicity Committee. This committee has the duty of keeping the Club activities before the public in order to promote the hobby of stamp collecting and attract new members to the Club.

Section 4. Annual Stamp Show Committee. This committee is responsible for all arrangements in connection with the Annual Stamp Show and Bourse, COLOPEX. The date of COLOPEX is selected by the Board of Directors.

Section 5. Property Committee. The President appoints a Property Committee who acts as trustee of the Club property and supervises the purchase and disposition of Club property.


Section 1. Meeting agenda.

1. Fellowship and trading (30 minutes)

2. Business meeting - order of business

3. Introduction of guests

4. Reading of the Minutes of the previous meeting

5. Condensed report of the last Board of Directors meeting

6. Treasurer report

7. Special committee reports

8. Old business

9. New business

10. Adjournment

Section 2. After Meeting Agenda

1. Mini-auction

2. Program

Section 3. The present Board of Directors carries over until their successors are elected and installed.