An American Philatelic SocietyAccredited Philatelic Exhibition

Grand Award

Andrew McFarlane - First Days of the 1929 George Rogers Clark Commemorative

Reserve Grand Award

Daniel M. Telep - Vietnam’s Communist Insurgent Military Mail 1959 – 1975

Best Single Frame Award

Matthew Liebson - Integral Rate Postmarks of Cincinnati, Ohio


Van Siegling - The Magical World of Harry Potter
Charles Deeb - Win the War
Andrew McFarlane - First Days of the 1929 George Rogers Clark Commemorative
Daniel M. Telep - Vietnam’s Communist Insurgent Military Mail 1959 – 1975
Henry Fisher - First Federal Stamp Issue
James R. Pullin - Pioneer Steamers of the North Atlantic 1838 – 1840

Gold (Single frame)

Matthew Liebson - Integral Rate Postmarks of Cincinnati, Ohio


Kathryn Johnson - Senegal: French Colonial Africa: 1914 – 1940
Dr. Donald B. Dahm - Great Britain: The Jubilee Issue
Matthew Liebson - Licking County, Ohio Postal History to 1907
Mark Reasoner - Knox County Postal History, 1815 – 1925
Daniel M. Telep - Sewickley, Pennsylvania: Our Neighborhood
Ken Gilbert - Landpost “Uber” Lehrte: Examples of the Rural Mail System in Germany 1933 – 1987
Myron Palay - Russo-Japanese War
Michael Morrissey - The Letterpress-Printed precancels on the 2nd and 3rd Issue of the U.S. Proprietary Revenue Stamps, 1871-1883

Vermeil (Single frame)

Clemens Reis - Competitive Rowing: Error and Oddities


Ken Gilbert - Soccer Made in Germany
Robert W. Collins - COLLINS

Special Awards

American Philatelic Society Medal of Excellence pre-1900

Henry Fisher - First Federal Stamp Issue

American Philatelic Society Medal of Excellence 1900-1940

Kathryn Johnson - Senegal: French Colonial Africa: 1914 – 1940

American Philatelic Society Medal of Excellence 1940-1980

Daniel M. Telep - Vietnam’s Communist Insurgent Military Mail 1959 – 1975

American Philatelic Society Medal of Excellence Post 1980

Van Siegling - The Magical World of Harry Potter

American Association of Philatelic Exhibitors Award of Honor

Ken Gilbert - Landpost “Uber” Lehrte: Examples of the Rural Mail System in Germany 1933 – 1987

Another American Association of Philatelic Exhibitors Award of Honor

Kathryn Johnson - Senegal: French Colonial Africa: 1914 – 1940

American Association of Philatelic Exhibitors Creativity in Philatelic Exhibiting Medal

Clemens Reis - Competitive Rowing: Error and Oddities

American Philatelic Society Research Award

James R. Pullin - Pioneer Steamers of the North Atlantic 1838 – 1840

American Association of Philatelic Exhibitors Headers Award

James R. Pullin - Pioneer Steamers of the North Atlantic 1838 – 1840

The American First Day Covers Award

Andrew McFarlane - First Days of the 1929 George Rogers Clark Commemorative

Collector’s Club of Chicago Philatelic Exhibitors Award

Matthew Liebson - Integral Rate Postmarks of Cincinnati, Ohio

Postal History Society Medal

Daniel M. Telep - Vietnam’s Communist Insurgent Military Mail 1959 – 1975

United States Stamp Society Freedom Medal for best U.S. Exhibit

Andrew McFarlane - First Days of the 1929 George Rogers Clark Commemorative

American Philatelic Congress Award

Daniel M. Telep - Vietnam’s Communist Insurgent Military Mail 1959 – 1975

The Lighthouse Award

James R. Pullin - Pioneer Steamers of the North Atlantic 1838 – 1840

The American Topical Association for Best Topical Exhibit

Van Siegling - The Magical World of Harry Potter

U. S. Philatelic Classics Society Award

Henry Fisher - First Federal Stamp Issue

Women in Exhibiting Award

Robert W. Collins - COLLINS

The Anita Horn Memorial Plaque Award

Van Siegling - The Magical World of Harry Potter

Columbus Philatelic Club’s Columbus Award of Excellence for the Best of Show by a CPC Member

Henry Fisher - First Federal Stamp Issue

Columbus Philatelic Club Research Award

Van Siegling - The Magical World of Harry Potter

Columbus Philatelic Club Postal History Award

Charles Deeb - Win the War