Exhibits Listing Colopex 2024

Exhibits will be posted and assigned tentative frames as received. Frame assignments may change, subject to the decision of the Exhibits Director. If your exhibit is listed here, you have been accepted, pending receipt of payment, title page, synopsis, and entry form. Please verify title, title page, and synopsis.

Exhibition Update: Frames are full. Assignments are set as follows.

Frames 1-5. The United States National Air Mail Week of 1938. Title Page Synopsis

Frames 6-10. Mary Pickford (America's Sweetheart): Film Icon - Entrepreneur - Philanthropist 1909 - 1979

(updated April 23) Title Page Synopsis

Frames 11-15. Zeppelin On Board Mail 1929 to 1937 (Note: Exhibit changed April 5) Title Page Synopsis

Frames 16-20. The Irish Gerl Definitives - £.s.d. Issues Title Page Synopsis

Frame 21. The 1912 Rhein-Main Zeppelin Airmails Title Page Synopsis

Frame 22. “Combo” First Day Covers of the Fourth Bureau Era Title Page Synopsis

Frames 23-30. The Two Cent Hardings Title Page Synopsis

Frames 31-40. Union Occupation Mail Title Page Synopsis

Frames 41-47. Covers to and from the Panama Canal Zone (A Philatelically Dead Country) to and from Title Page Synopsis

Other Philatelically Dead Countries (1904-1979) [Title page updated March 24]

Frames 48-50. The Postal Issues of Faisal II of Iraq 1939-1958: The Life and Death of a Young King. Title Page Synopsis

Frames 51-58. Delaware Postal History – 1732 to 1847 Title Page Synopsis

Frame 59. The Insurrectionist Issues of Laos, 1961 and 1974 [Updated April 11, 2024] Title Page Synopsis

Frame 60. 1½¢ Hardings and Pre WWII U.S. Navy Ship Cancellations [Updated March 24] Title Page Synopsis

Frames 61-68. Washington & Franklin Coils: Flat Plate and Coil Waste Issues 1908-1915  Title Page Synopsis

Frame 69. Creation of the Border Between Two Irelands 1913 to 1923  Title Page Synopsis

Frame 70, The Development and Use of the 2d Map of Ireland Stamp — December 1922 to June 1941  Title Page Synopsis

Frames 71-80. A History of Greater 19th Century Nepal — Seals and Signatures Title Page Synopsis

Frames 81-90. Colopex Free f’r All (non-judged) COURT OF HONOR

Frames 91-100.The 10¢ Rotary Press Special Delivery Stamp of 1927 Title Page Synopsis

Frame 101. I Am a Red Panda Title Page Synopsis

Frames 102-108. Postal History of Sweden’s Engraved Oscar II Issue, 1891-1911 Title Page Synopsis

Frame 109. A Tribute to Louis Reif, Jr., My Friend COURT OF HONOR

Frame 110. Estonia Stamp Centenary Commemorative 1940 (Title Page Synopsis) COURT OF HONOR

Frames 111-115. The Dublin Censor Office 1939-1945 Title Page Synopsis

Frames 116-119. The Century of Progress Exposition Title Page Synopsis

Frame 120. Registration in the Early Years of the US RFD Service Title Page Synopsis