COLOPEX 2013 Palmares
Gold (Court of Honor)
- Gregory Shoults: "Washington and Franklin Coils; Rotary Press and Coil Waste Issues 1914-1922"
Competitive Philatelic Exhibits
Gold (Single Frame)
- Charles C. Wooster: "Peru: 1901 Advent of the Twentieth Century Issue"
- Matthew Liebson: "Integral Rate Postmarks of Cincinnati, Ohio"
- James C. Cate: "General Banks Division"
- Evan M. Siegling: "The Magical World of Harry Potter"
- Kathryn J. Johnson: "Honduras' Guardiola and Medina Issues 1903-1910"
- Janet Klug: "British Empire Anti-Communist Actions in the Jungles of Malaya, 1948-1960"
- Hideo R. Yokota: "U. S. Air Mail Special Delivery Issues of 1934-1936"
- Ronald J. Klimley: "The 1964 New York World's Fair Commemoratives and Their First Day Covers"
- Ingert Kuzych: "Lemburg -- Cosmopolitan Crownland Capital of the Austrian Empire"
- Lester C. Lanphear III: "U. S. Departmentals, 1873-1884"
Vermeil (Single Frame)
- Kathryn J. Johnson: "Ceylon Airgraph Mail"
- Kathryn J. Johnson: "London Experimental Fancy Geometric Postmarks"
- Alan Warren: "U. S. Byrd Antarctic Stamp: The Perforated Issues"
- Rev. Edward J. Mullowney, S.S.J.: "Usages of the Stamps of the Roman States"
- Joseph F. Frasch Jr.: "The 1¼ Cent Ordinary Postage Stamp -- Series of 1954"
Silver (Single Frame)
- Janet Klug: "Ascending Mt. Adams, Cincinnati's Mt. Adams Incline 1876 to 1948"
- Thomas J. Richards: "U. S. Naval Mission to Brazil -- 1922-1977"
- Richard M. Drought: "The Vermillion Two Cent Jackson Used to Foreign Destinations 1876-1883"
- Henry Fisher: "Fancy Cancels on U.S. Government Postal Cards"
- Robert B. Bramwell: "The Simplex Hand Stamped Postal Markings of Schenectady, NY -- 1797 to 1875"
- Prince Albert: "Great Britain Two-Penny Blue"
- Matthew Liebson: "Licking County, Ohio Postal History to 1930"
- James S. Hering, M.D.: "The Two Cent Harding, Its First Day Usage and the Birth of Modern First Day Covers"
- Alan Parsons: "Corning NY Postal History Including DPOs Now Served by the Corning Post Office"
Silver Bronze (Single Frame)
- Phil Rhoade: "Bohemia and Moravia: Hidden Patriotic Messages"
Silver Bronze
- Phil Rhoade: "Prexies and Transports to Czechoslovakia"
- Leroy Crain: "Ancient Egypt -- A Civilization Develops Along the River Nile"
- Phil Rhoade: "Germany 1943 Wehrmacht Issue"
- None awarded
Special Awards
Grand Award for Best of Show
- Janet Klug: "British Empire Anti-Communist Actions in the Jungles of Malaya, 1948-1960"
Reserve Grand Award for Second Place Best of Show
- Hideo R. Yokota: "U. S. Air Mail Special Delivery Issues of 1934-1936"
Best Single Frame Exhibit Award
- Charles C. Wooster: "Peru: 1901 Advent of the Twentieth Century Issue"
American Philatelic Society Medal of Excellence (Pre-1900)
- Lester C. Lanphear III: "U. S. Departmentals, 1873-1884"
American Philatelic Society Medal of Excellence (1900-1940)
- Kathryn J. Johnson: "Honduras' Guardiola and Medina Issues 1903-1910"
American Philatelic Society Medal of Excellence (1940-1980)
- Ronald J. Klimley: "The 1964 New York World's Fair Commemoratives and Their First Day Covers"
American Philatelic Society Medal of Excellence (Post-1980)
- Evan M. Siegling "The Magical World of Harry Potter"
American Philatelic Society Research Award
- Thomas J. Richards "U. S. Naval Mission to Brazil -- 1922-1977"
American Association of Philatelic Exhibitors Award of Honor
- Alan Warren "U. S. Byrd Antarctic Stamp: The Perforated Issues"
Another American Association of Philatelic Exhibitors Award of Honor
- Joseph F. Frasch Jr. "The 1 ¼ Cent Ordinary Postage Stamp -- Series of 1954"
American Association of Philatelic Exhibitors "Creativity in Philatelic Exhibiting Medal"
- Janet Klug "British Empire Anti-Communist Actions in the Jungles of Malaya, 1948-1960"
American Association of Philatelic Exhibitors Novice Award
- Robert B. Bramwell "The Simplex Hand Stamped Postal Markings of Schenectady, NY -- 1797 to 1875"
American Association of Philatelic Exhibitors Title Page Award
- Charles C. Wooster "Peru: 1901 Advent of the Twentieth Century Issue"
American First Day Cover Society Certificate For Best FDC Exhibit
- Ronald J. Klimley "The 1964 New York World's Fair Commemoratives and Their First Day Covers"
American Philatelic Congress Award
- Ingert Kuzych "Lemburg -- Cosmopolitan Crownland Capital of the Austrian Empire"
American Revenue Association Best Revenue Exhibit Award
Not awarded
American Topical Association Award for Best Topical Exhibit
- Evan M. Siegling: "The Magical World of Harry Potter"
American Topical Association Award for Second Best Topical Exhibit
- Leroy Crain: "Ancient Egypt -- A Civilization Develops Along the River Nile"
Collectors Club of Chicago Philatelic Exhibitor's Award
- Evan M. Siegling: "The Magical World of Harry Potter"
Germany Philatelic Society Special Prize
- Ingert Kuzych: "Lemburg -- Cosmopolitan Crownland Capital of the Austrian Empire"
Marcus White Award (Postal Stationery)
Not awarded
Military Postal History Society Award
- James C. Cate: "General Banks Division"
Postal History Society Posthorn Medal
- Ingert Kuzych: "Lemburg -- Cosmopolitan Crownland Capital of the Austrian Empire"
U. S. Philatelic Classics Society Award
- Lester C. Lanphear III: "U. S. Departmentals, 1873-1884"
U. S. Stamp Society Award
- Hideo R. Yokota: "U. S. Air Mail Special Delivery Issues of 1934-1936"
Women in Exhibiting Award
- Matthew Liebson: "Licking County, Ohio Postal History to 1930"
The Edward E. Kuehn Award
- Evan M. Siegling: "The Magical World of Harry Potter"
The Columbus Philatelic Club Columbus Award of Excellence for the Best Show Exhibit by a CPC Member
- Evan M. Siegling: "The Magical World of Harry Potter"
The Columbus Philatelic Club Research Award
- Thomas J. Richards: "U. S. Naval Mission to Brazil -- 1922-1977"
The Columbus Philatelic Club Postal History Award
- Thomas J. Richards: "U. S. Naval Mission to Brazil -- 1922-1977"
Columbus Philatelic Club Ribbons
Gold (COLOPEX Gold or Vermeil)
- Evan M. Siegling: "The Magical World of Harry Potter"
- Joseph F. Frasch Jr.: "The 1 ¼ Cent Ordinary Postage Stamp -- Series of 1954"
- Charles C. Wooster: "Peru: 1901 Advent of the Twentieth Century Issue"
Silver (COLOPEX Silver of Silver Bronze)
- Henry Fisher: "Fancy Cancels on U.S. Government Postal Cards"
- James S. Hering, M.D.: "The Two Cent Harding, Its First Day Usage and the Birth of Modern First Day Covers"
- Thomas J. Richards: "U. S. Naval Mission to Brazil -- 1922-1977"