COLOPEX 2014 Palmares

Multi-frame Competition


  • Edward F. Gosnell, Jr. - Rule and Governance in Nepal 1785-1911
  • Rocco Caponi - 2¢ Circular Die Envelope of 1915
  • Kenneth R. Nilsestuen - Minnesota Territorial Centennial Stamp - 1949
  • Larry Lyons - All Roads Lead to San Francisco: The Private Companies That Carried the Mail in the Early West
  • Jeffrey Shapiro - The Beleaguered German Mark - Keeping Pace with the Inflation of 1919-1923
  • Evan (Van) M. Siegling - The Magical World of Harry Potter
  • Stefan T. Jaronski - Tudor Hall, Virginia: A Post Office for the Confederate Army


  • David A. Bowman - Uses of the U.S. 10¢ Rotary Press Special Delivery stamp of 1927
  • Harry C. Winter - North from Columbus - 19th Century Postal History of Delaware and Marion Counties
  • Henry Fisher - The First Federal Issue
  • Mark Reasoner - Knox County (Ohio) Postal History, 1815 to 1925
  • Rev. Edward J. Mullowney - Zeppelin Mail Dispatched form Vatican City
  • Richard M. Drought - Saxony - An Independent German Kingdom 1851 - 1868
  • David Crotty - PAA Transatlantic Mail Service 1939-1945


  • Paul H. Gault - U.S. "Official" Perfins
  • Paul H. Gault - 19th Century Private Local Posts in Germany
  • David H. Plunkett - Hotel, Food Industry, and Printing Advertising Covers of Toledo, Ohio 1850 to 1920


  • Gerard B. Menge - Austria 1938: The Take Over and Absorption

Single-frame Competition


  • Elizabeth Hisey - Making America’s Favorite Dessert: The Apple Pie
  • Stephen D. Schumann - New Zealand Printed-to-Private-Order Envelopes from Queen Victoria through the reign of King George VI
  • Dr. Andrew A. Mazzara - Bisected Two Penny British Stamps and Their Use in Guernsey During WWII German Occupation


  • Stephen D. Schumann - The King George VI 40¢ Air Letters
  • Allison Cusick - Wheat Farming in Canada’s Prarie Provinces Prior to World War II
  • Andrew Urushima - 1944 Gross Born POW Olympics
  • Henry Fisher "Third Federal Issue"


  • Rev. Edward J. Mullowney - Vatican City Freaks, Errors & Varieties Commemorating the 400th Anniversary of the Opening of the Council of Trent


  • Thomas P. Myers - Evolution of British Mourning Covers


  • Paul H. Gault - Collect German Stamps

Special Awards

Grand Award for Best of Show

Larry Lyons "All Roads Lead to San Francisco: The Private Companys That Carried the Mail in the Early West"

Reserve Grand Award for Second Place Best of Show

Rocco Caponi - "2¢ Circular Die Envelope of 1915"

Best Single Frame Award

Stephen D. Schumann - "New Zealand Printed-to-Private-Order Envelope from Queen Victoria through the reign of King George VI"

American Philatelic Society Medal of Excellence (Pre-1900)

Edward F. Gosnell Jr. "Rule and Governance in Nepal 1785-1911"

American Philatelic Society Medal of Excellence (1900-1940)

Jeffrey Shapiro "The Beleaguered German Mark - Keeping Pace with the Inflation of 1919-1923"

American Philatelic Society Medal of Excellence (1940-1980)

Kenneth M. Nilsestuen "Minnesota Territorial Centennial Stamps - 1949"

American Philatelic Society Medal of Excellence (Post-1980)

Evan (Van) M. Siegling "The Magical World of Harry Potter"

American Philatelic Society Research Award

David Crotty "PAA Transatlantic Mail Services 1939-1945"

American Association of Philatelic Exhibitors Award of Honor

Richard M. Drought "Saxony - An Independent German Kingdom 1851-1868"

Another American Association of Philatelic Exhibitors Award of Honor

Gerard B. Menge "Austria 1938: The Take Over and Absorption"

American Association of Philatelic Exhibitors Creativity in Philatelic Exhibiting Medal

Kenneth R. Nilsestuen "Minnesota Territorial Centennial Stamp - 1949"

American Association of Philatelic Exhibitors Award of Excellence "Best Title Page"

Rocco Caponi "2¢ Circular Die Envelope of 1915"

American Philatelic Congress Award

Evan (Van) M. Siegling "The Magical World of Harry Potter"

American Topical Association Award for Best Topical Exhibit

Evan (Van) M. Siegling "The Magical World of Harry Potter"

Collectors Club of Chicago Philatelic Exhibitor's Award

Stefan T. Jaronski "Tudor Hall, Virginia: A Post Office for the Confederate Army"

Germany Philatelic Society Special Prize

Jeffrey Shapiro "The Beleagered German Mark - Keeping Page with the Inflation of 1919-1923"

Marcus White Award (United Postal Stationery Society)

Rocco Caponi "2¢ Circular Die Envelope of 1915"

Postal History Society Posthorn Medal

Larry Lyons "All Roads Lead to San Francisco: The Private Companies That Carried the Mail in the Early West"

U.S. Philatelic Classics Society Award

Larry Lyons "All Roads Lead to San Francisco: The Private Companies That Carried the Mail in the Early West"

U. S. Stamp Society Award

Larry Lyons "All Roads Lead to San Francisco: The Private Companies That Carried the Mail in the Early West"

Women in Exhibiting Award

Paul H. Gault "U.S. "Official" Perfins"

The Edward E. Kuehn Award

Edward F. Gosnell Jr "Rule and Governance in Nepal 1785-1911"

The Columbus Philatelic Club Columbus Award of Excellence for the Best Show Exhibit by a CPC member

Evan (Van) M. Siegling "The Magical World of Harry Potter"

The Columbus Philatelic Club Research Award

Edward F. Gosnell Jr "Rule and Governance in Nepal 1785-1911"

The Columbus Philatelic Club Postal History Award

Edward F. Gosnell Jr "Rule and Governance in Nepal 1785-1911"